2 Oct 2014

5 Effective Changes You Can Make In Your Life To Be More Successful

CC image from Flickr by Günter Hentschel 

1.Starting your day an hour or two earlier( even 30 minutes earlier)

Starting your day earlier in the morning gives you a most needed head start for the day. You will have the time to gather your thoughts and plan for the day ahead or even put in some time towards your personal project,whatever it may be. 

All the most successful people in the world work up earlier than their less successful peers,a good  examples of such an individual is Nigerian billionaire Aliko Dangote who once mentioned  to CNN that he wakes up at 5 am every day regardless of what time he slept .

Another equally impressive example is Mark Zuckerberg who during his time in the Harvard dorm rooms sometimes  sacrificed an entire night of sleep in order to write code for Facebook before it had culminated into the social network giant   it is now ,making Mark a billionaire in the process. 

You may feel that 9 hours of sleep is so important to you but if you really want to be  successful in whatever craft you are into, sacrifices must be made and that  includes cutting back on your sleep.On the early  mornings there are much fewer distractions  thus you can get more work done.(Disclaimer: I am not telling to risk your health)

Flickr CC image by Nate Bolt

 2. Deleting your Facebook  and Twitter accounts(Permanently)

It might seem ironic that I just gave a shout out to Zuckerberg and Facebook and now I am advising you to delete your beloved Facebook(and Twitter) account but I have my reasons (valid ones at that) so read on.

 Many Facebook users can easily spend 30 minutes staring on their Facebook homepage waiting for something to  happen ,waiting for a  notification  of some sort ,like someone 'liking' their photo or "liking" their status update or whatever trivial event they are waiting for to happen.

Imagine what you could achieve  if you directed that 30 minutes of wasted time  a day to a productive activity.If you want an estimate of the total  amount you have spent(more like wasted) on Facebook since its inception checkout   TIME's  Facebook Time Machine .

Flickr CC image by Greg Westfall
 3. Working out

As the saying goes , if you look good you feel and if you feel good you do good. Besides feeling good and doing good some other notable benefits of working out on a regular basis include ,a sharpened memory,boost in brain power,improved self confidence among others. Note that these benefits are some of the most invaluable assets on your journey to success.

By the way how do you expect to run a major corporation  when you can not even take care of your body,think about it.Even just 5 mins a day any form of physical exercise that gets your heart rate up does the trick.

Flickr CC image courtesy of Rodrigo Galindez
4. Reading More

The more your read the more varied your vocabulary becomes. Being able to select the most suitable words to use in a particular situation (like striking a major  deal) could be  the X factor  in determining the outcome of that situation.

Some other priceless benefits of reading include improved brain connectivity,improved writing skills,better analytical skills.If you  do   not recognize how these benefits of reading can help you become more successful then maybe you should stop reading  this article now. 

If you are the lazy type  like me who  find scanning your eyes through seemingly never ending strings of text to be such a chore  you can try out the wonderful invention appropriately named audio books.You can  take advantage of the current promotion from amazon`s audible extension  where you can download  a free audio book of your choice.

5. Learning  (and becoming  competent) in at  least  one new technology related skill every year..

In this modern day and age if you  have even the most remote urge for success you must know that learning is lifetime commitment. With all the new technology coming out you have to be committed to learning(them),  particularly programming languages and other  computer related skills. 

Learning to use simple software like Microsoft Office(excel, outlook etc.) and the more advanced like learning SQL and any other computer  language from the plethora of programming languages will not do you any harm 

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